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Age Well Roehampton (Hestia)

Age Well Roehampton (Hestia) is a service which is commissioned for people over 55 years of age,  who live in Roehampton, with activities and signposting to other helpful services as required.  To promote health and wellbeing, organising and facilitating activities/special events, liaise with other local community groups and receive referrals from Social Prescribers.  To enrol, please call Jenny Bailey on 07826 779684.

There is no membership fee, but we require a completed application form to ensure the criteria for membership is adhered to and so that we can regularly keep in touch with individuals and ensure that essential information is disseminated to all who have signed up.  Currently, there are 35 members. Members will be advised of outings, musical events and importantly advice on age-related concerns. Looking forward to meeting you!

Age Well Roehampton (Hestia) Weekly timetable 5th September

ThursdayChair Yoga: with Lisa Jane – two sessions. First session – 10am, second session – 11am 
Venue: Minstead Gardens Sheltered Housing Clubroom.
Price: £4.00 per class.                                                                                    
FridayOpen House: an invitation to speak to me about, joining and of existing, seasonal and future activities. In the new year we hope to include talks on subjects you may find helpful – Diabetes, COPD, Dementia Mysteries of Mobile Phones and possibly flower arranging.
Venue: Roehampton Library on the First Friday in the month.  Feel free to drop in!       

Contact: Jenny Bailey on 07826 779 684 or

Click here to download the weekly schedule of activities

Roehampton Partnership