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Month: February 2022

Recruitment is now open for Young Ambassadors!!!

We continue to grow our team of young ambassadors to support in the delivery of the Unlocked holiday programmes and other WBC projects. Easter Unlocked is fast approaching, 5th April – 14th April 2022.

If you know a young person who would love to be a part of something exciting, please share this information with them or even better help them fill out the attached young ambassador recruitment form.

Please share with your teams and relevant contacts.

We are specifically trying to recruit young people between the ages of 16-18yrs old but all 13-18yrs old welcome.

What will a young person get from this?

•             It’s a lot of fun!

•             The opportunity to have your voice heard

•             Represent others in your community

•             A chance to find out more about your local community

•             Impact positive change

•             A reference for school/ college/ university/ employment

•             LOADS of Skills development – youth work training, project planning, Duke of Edinburgh          and Accreditations – just to name a few

•             Working with senior decision-makers

•             Getting to deliver and take part in the activities on offer for free during all holiday programmes

•             New experiences

•             Meeting new people!

•             £50 Vouchers of your choice as a THANK YOU!

•             Free fun activity at the end of Summer to celebrate

Forms to be returned via email to myself at by 18th March 2022

Please support the People’s Plan for the Alton Estate

Over the last year, the People’s Plan for the Alton Estate was co-designed with estate residents and stakeholders, supported by planning experts at University College London and Alton Action volunteers (the majority of whom are also local residents). The plan is based on the principles of sustainable development and community participation.

Our survey (UCL/Alton Action 2021) showed that residents do want a regeneration of the area and that their priorities are:

  • Modernisation of homes affected by leaks, damp, mould, lack of ventilation and poor heating/insulation
  • Refurbishment of facades and entrances
  • Protection and better use of green spaces
  • Building of more Council homes, especially family-sizes ones
  • Making buildings more secure and fire-safe 

The People’s Plan was therefore created around these priorities. It is fully costed and financially viable. You can see full details of the Plan here:

We believe that the People’s Plan is better for the people who already live on the Alton. And local residents agree. When asked what type of regeneration they would prefer, 64% of respondents preferred refurbishment of the existing buildings to the mass demolition in the Council Plan (UCL/Alton Action survey, 2021).

If you also prefer the People’s Plan, please sign our petition:

“We call on Wandsworth Council to adopt the proposals within the People’s Plan and use them as the basis for a revised plan to improve the Alton Estate”

You can sign the petition online here:

You can contact the Alton Action Team on

Roehampton Partnership